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Подробное описание: редактирование *.sqm файлов

// NOTE: YOU CAN ACTUALLY USE C++ Style comments in the file
// Helpful if authors added comments so others could see the logic more easily

// Version. Leave this as 11.0

// Mission Class describes an entire mission
class Mission


// Used for random events.

// Intel Class describes some basic mission information
class Intel

// Shows up in list of missions when selecting mission
briefingName="Ambush (Demo)";

// Description of briefing
briefingDescription="This is a stupid mission";

// Used to indicate what the weather is and will be like.
// Values of 0.0-0.9 where 0.9 is stormy weather and 0.0 is sunny

// Used to indicate what the fog will be like. Values of 0.0 - 1.0

// Month
// Values=(1-12) Hope everyone knows that by now!

// Day of the month. Values (1-31)

// Hour of the Day. Values (1-24)

// Minute of the Hour. Values (0-59)


//Group classes are used to define groups of vehicles/troops in the game
class Groups


// Number of groups in the mission

// Info about a specific group
class Item0
// What side this group is on. Values=("WEST","EAST"). DOES "Guer" WORK HERE???????

// Vehicle classes are used to define individual vehicles/troopers in a group
class Vehicles

// Number of groups. You MUST make sure this is the same as the number of waypoints defined below.

// Info about a specific unit in the group. Need to define one of these classes for each unit in the group.

class Item0
// Probability of presence (how likely to be created). Adds variability
// 0.0 - 1.0 where 1.0 is 100% going to be created. Optional field

// Condition that must be true in order for this vehicle to appear.

// Position of this waypoint (X,Z,Y coordinates) in meters
// X starts at 0 on the left side of the screen
// Y starts at 0 on the bottom of the screen
// Z is height (only if flying unit)

// Placement Radius. Distance is meters to randomly place the unit away from position.
// Adds variability to starting positions. Optional field

// Angle the unit will be facing in degrees (0-359). 0 is north. 90 is east 180 is south 270 is west

// Special behaviour for this unit
// Values are :
// "NONE" = no special behaviour
// "CARGO" = Indicates unit can store things.
// "FLY" = Indicates unit is flying
// "FORM" = In formation.
// Optional field

// Unique identifier for this unit. This MUST be unique for ALL units defined in the mission.

// Which side is this unit? on?
// Values are :
// "EAST"=Soviet
// "GUER"=Resistance
// "LOGIC"=Logic. How is this used?
// "EMPTY"=No side. Used for things like Ammoboxes

// Unit class name
// Values are :
// The number in parens is the amount of ammo clips plus any clip already in weapon
// "OfficerW" = West Officer with M16 (3+1) Handgrenade (6)
// "OfficerWNight" = West Officer with M16(3+1),M203, NightVision and flares
// "SoldierW" = West Soldier with M16 Grenade Launcher (3+1) Grenade(3) (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierWB" = West Soldier with M16A2 (3+1) Handgrenade (6)
// "SoldierWAT" = West Soldier with M16A2 (3+1) Carl Gustav Launcher(1)
// "SoldierWLAW" = West Soldier with M16A2 (3+1) and LAW (3)
// "SoldierWMG" = West Soldier with M60 Machine Gun (4+1)
// "SoldierWG" = West Soldier with M16A2 with grenade launcher (3+1) Grenade (3)
// "SoldierWMedic" = West Medic with M16A2 (3+1)
// "SoldierWAA" = West soldier with M16A2 (3+1) and Stinger Missile (1)
// "SoldierWPilot" = West pilot with XM(3+1) Handgrenade(6)
// "SoldierWMortar" = West soldier with M16A2 (3+1) Grenade (3) mortar
// "SoldierWCrew" = West crew member with XM (3+1) Handgrenade (6)
// "SoldierWMiner" = West combat engineer with M16A2 (3+1) MINE(3) Binocular
// "SoldierWSniper" = West soldier with Sniper rifle
// "SoldierWSaboteur"= ?? (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierWSaboteurPipe" = West Black Ops soldier with pipe bombs (night)
// "SoldierWSaboteurDay"= West Black Ops soldier with pipe bombs
// "SoldierWLawSniper"=? (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierWCaptive" = West soldier captured. No weapons and ID says captive
// "SoldierWNOG" = West Soldier with M16 + grenades (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierWFakeE = "West Soldier wearing Soviet clothing and weapons (IN GAME?)
// "OfficerE" = East Officier
// "OfficerENight" = East Officer with AK74+Grenade Launcher, NightVis and flares
// "SoldierEB" = East Soldier with AK74
// "SoldierEG"=East Soldier with Ak74 + grenade launcher
// "SoldierELAW"= East Soldier with RPG
// "SoldierEMG" = East Soldier with PK Machine Gun
// "SoldierEMedic" = East Medic
// "SoldierEAT" = East soldier with RPG
// "SoldierEAA" = East soldier with ?? Missile
// "SoldierECrew" = East crewmember
// "SoldierENOG" = East soldier with AK74 + hand grenades (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierEPilot" = East Pilot
// "SoldierEMortar" = East soldier with mortar (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierEMiner" = East combat engineer with mines
// "SoldierECaptive" = East prisoner (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierESniper" = East soldier with Sniper rifle
// "SoldierESniperLAW" = East soldier with Sniper rifle and LAW (NOT IN GAME)
// "SoldierESaboteur" = East soldier with ? (IS THIS IN GAME?)
// "SoldierESaboteurPipe" = East Spetz Natz soldier with pipe bombs
// "SoldierESaboteurDay" = East soldier with ? (NOT IN GAME)
// "SoldierEFakeW" = East soldier wearing U.S. clothing and weapons (IN GAME?)
// "GeneralE" - east general. No weapons.
// "SoldierGB" = Resistance soldier
// "SoldierGCrew" = Resistance crew member
// "SoldierGMedic" = Resistance medic
// "SoldierGPilot" = Resistance pilot
// "SoldierGG" = Resistance grenadier
// "SoldierGMG" = Resistance machine gunner
// "SoldierGLAW" = Resistance RPG soldier
// "SoldierGAT" = Resistance antitank soldier
// "SoldierGAA" = Resistance antiair soldier
// "OfficerG" = Resistance officer
// "OfficerGNight" = Resistance officer with night vision
// "M60" = U.S. M60 Tank
// "M1Abrams" = U.S. M1 Abrams Tank
// "M113" = U.S. Armored personnel carrier
// "M113Ambul" = Armored Ambulance
// "M2StaticMG" = Static Machine Gunner
// "Jeep" = U.S. M-152 Jeep (not some housewife SUV)
// "JeepMG" = U.S. Jeep with Machine Gun
// "Truck5t" = U.S. 5 ton truck with enclosed bed
// "Truck5tOpen" = U.S. 5 ton truck open bed
// "Truck5tRepair" = 5 ton repair truck
// "Truck5tReammo" = 5 ton reammo truck
// "Truck5tRefuel" = 5 ton refuel truck
// "BoatW" = Mark II PBR (Patrol Boat)
// "CarrierW" = LST (Landing Ship Tank)
// "Cobra" = AH1 Attack Helicopter
// "UH60" = U.S. UH60 Transport Helicopter
// "UH60mg" =U.S. UH60 Transport Helicopter with machine gun
// "A10" = A10 ground to air support plane (Warthog)
// "Parachute" = Parachute?
// "BMP"= Soviet Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
// "BMPAmbul" = Soviet armoured ambulance
// "UAZ" = Soviet Armored personnel carrier
// "T72" = Soviet heavy tank
// "T80" = Soviet Tank
// "Ural" = Soviet 5 ton truck
// "UralRepair" = Soviet repair truck
// "UralReammo" = Soviet reammo truck
// "UralRefuel" = Soviet refuel truck
// "ZSU" = Soviet AA
// "Scud" = Soviet mobile SCUD missile launcher
// "Mi24" = Soviet Hind gunship/transport helicopter
// "Mi17"=Soviet gunship
// "M2StaticMGE"=Soviet Static Machine Gun
// "BoatE"=
// "TruckV3SG" = Resistance PV3S Truck
// "TruckV3SGRefuel" = Resistance refueling truck
// "TruckV3SGRepair" = Resistance repair truck
// "TruckV3SGReammo" = Resistance reammo truck
// "GJeep" = Resistance Jeep
// "UAZG" = Resistance personnel carrier
// "SGUAZG" = Resistance ?
// "T55G" = T55 tank
// "Civilian" = Civilian man wearing white
// "Civilian2" = Civilian man wearing grey
// "Civilian3" = Civilian man wearing black
// "Angelina" = woman in NATO? cloth. No weapons.
// "Rapid" = Sports car
// "RapidY" = Yellow Sports car
// "Skoda" = Yellow car
// "SkodaBlue" = Blue car
// "SkodaRed" = Red car
// "SkodaGreen" = Green Car
// "Tractor" = Tractor
// "TruckV3SCivil" = Civilian truck
// "Cessna" = Cessna small airplane
// "FlagCarrier" = Flagpole. Refer to
// How to command things using the init, expCond, expActiv and expDesActiv fields for setting flag texture.
// "Danger" = Danger sign
// "Fire" = campfire (lightable)
// "TargetE" = Man shaped target
// "TargetGrenade" = Tank shaped target
// "CampEmpty" = Open tent with rounded roof
// "Camp" = Closed up tent with rounded roof
// "CampEast" = Open tent with angled roof
// "CampEastC" = Closed tent with angled roof
// "MASH" = Field Hospital (can heal here)
// "Fortress1" = Large bunker
// "Fortress2" = Small bunker
// "Grave" = Grave
// "GraveCross1" = Grave with cross and dog tags
// "GraveCross1" = Grave with cross
// "GraveCrossHelmet" = Grave with cross and helmut
// "ACamp" = ? (looks like a little tent)
// "Fence" = Sandbags corner
// "FenceWood" = Sanbags straight with wood supports
// "Wire" = Barbed wire
// "WireFence" = Fence with barbed wire at top
// "Barrels" = four barrels
// "Barrel1" = Red barrel
// "Barrel2" = Brown barrel
// "Barrel3" = White barrel
// "Barrel4" = Another white barrel
// "Camera1" = Video camera on tripod
// "Table" = Small table
// "Tablemap" = Small table with map
// "Chair" = You guessed it! A CHAIR!
// "ChairHangar" = Another chair
// "ChairX" = Another chair
// "ChairSmall"=Small chair
// "Phone" = Telephone
// "Computer" = Gee I wonder what this is?
// "VideoTable" = Television
// "TablePub" = Table (Pub style with green tablecloth)
// "Radio" = Small Radio
// "Crawling" = Crawling training
// "ExcerciseTrack" = Consists of wall with doorway and ramp
// "ExcerciseTrack2" = A walkway for running up and down
// "ExcerciseTrack3" = A small obstacle course to run through
// "Paleta1" = Wood palette
// "Paleta2" = Wood palettes
// "JeepWreck1" = Burned out jeep
// "JeepWreck1" = Burned out upside down jeep
// "JeepWreck1" = Burned out jeep with crushed front end
// "M113Wreck" = Burned out M113
// "UralWreck" = Ural Truck wreck
// "Body" = Body covered with a cloth
// "Shed" = Camo netting for tanks/vehicles
// "ShedSmall" = Camo netting and sandbags
// "HeliH" = Helicopter landing (with H on ground)
// "HeliHEmpty" = Helicopter landing (no symbol)
// "ReammoBoxWest" = Western reammo box (hand grenades,ammo)
// "ReammoBoxEast" = Eastern Reammo box (hand grenades,ammo)
// "ReammoBoxGuer" = Guerilla ammo box (hand grenades,ammo)
// "HeavyReammoBoxWest" = Western reammo box (hand grenades,ammo,mines,mortar,satchel)
// "HeavyReammoBoxEast" = Eastern reammo box (hand grenades,ammo,mines,satchel)
// "HeavyReammoBoxRes" = Guerilla reammo box (hand grenades,ammo,mines,satchel)
// "MachineGunBox=M60 and ammo
// "MineMine" = Anti Tank Mine (use to create mine fields)
// "Logic" =?
// "Houseryb_domek"=Single Story 2 room White House (can enter)
// "Housemajak"=Lighthouse (can't enter)
// "Houseplechbud"=Small metal shed with picture of Lenin inside (can't enter)
// "Housedeutshe_mini"=Single Story 4 room White House (can enter)
// "Housebouda2_vnitrek"=Single Story 1 room dark wood building (can enter)
// "Housedeutshe" = Two Story Bavarian style building (can't enter)
// "Housedum_mesto" = Two Story White Stone building (can't enter)
// "Housedum_mesto2" = Two Story White building (can enter first floor rooms)
// "Housedum_mesto2l" = Two Story Greyish building (can't enter)
// "Housedum_mesto3" = Two Story White building with Large Red door (can't enter)
// "Housedum_rasovna" = One Story 2 room White House with loft and hole in wall (can enter)
// "Housedum_rasovna_in" = Same as Housedum_rasovna?
// "Housebouda2" = Single Story Dark Wood Building (can't enter)
// "Housebouda3" = Single Story Dark Wood Warehouse with large glass windows (can't enter)
// "Housedumruina" = Two Story White Building with arched indentations (can't enter)
// "Housedumruina_mini" = Single Story White Building with arched indentations (can't enter)
// "Housestodola_open" = White Barn with brown doors (can enter)
// "Housestatek_kulna" = Single story grey building with underlying stone showing (can't enter)
// "Housebudova5" = Single story tan building with flat roof (can't enter)
// "Housedum01" = Single story white building with boarded windows (can't enter)
// "Housecihlovej_dum_mini" = Single story 2 room dark brick building (can enter)
// "Housecihlovej_dum" = Two story narrow dark brick building (can't enter)
// "Housecihlovej_dum_in" = Two story narrow dark brick building (can enter)
// "Housebudova1" = Single story tan building (can't enter)
// "Housebudova3" = Another single story tan building (can't enter)
// "Housebudova4" = Single story long and narrow tan building (can't enter)
// "Housebudova2" = Single story L shaped tan building (can't enter)
// "Housegaraz" = Single story white garage with numbers 1-5 on doors (can't enter)
// "Housegaraz_bez_tanku" = Concrete tank garage with doors closed (can't enter)
// "Housegaraz_s_tankem" = Concrete tank garage with tank inside and ammo boxes (can't enter)
// "Houserepair_center" = Vehicle repair center (can't enter)
// "Housedum02" = Two story building (1st floor white, 2nd floor tan) (can't enter)
// "Houseafdum_mesto2" = Two story burned out white building no roof (can't enter)
// "Househospoda_mesto" = Two story white pub? (can enter)
// "Housestanice" = Another Single story small building (can't enter)
// "Housedum_m2" = Single story white building with tan door (can't enter)
// "Housebouda1" = Two story building with arched doorway (can't enter)
// "Housestodola" = Large white/red brick barn with red roof (can't enter)
// "Housestatek_hl_bud" = Single story white building with decorative roof (can't enter)
// "Househospital" = Single story U shaped hospital (can't enter)
// "Housemesto_dum" = Two story white stone building (can't enter)
// "Househelfenburk" = Five story Castle Keep on rock foundation (can enter)
// "Housedum_olezlina" = Two story white building with boarded windows (can't enter)
// "Houseafdum_mesto3" = Two story burned out white building with archway running through it (can't enter)
// "Houseafhospoda_mesto" = Two story burned out white corner building (can't enter)
// "Housedulni_bs" = Single story ruined building barred windows and no roof (can't enter)
// "Housekostel_trosky" = Church ruins (can enter)
// "Houseafdum_mesto2l" = Two story burned out white building (no roof) (can't enter)
// "Housedum_mesto_in" = Two story white stone building with balcony (can enter)
// "Houseafbarabizna" = Two story white stone building caved in (can't enter)
// "Househruzdum" = Tall skinny three story white stone building (can enter)
// "Houseammostore2" = Vehicle garage with door open and ammo boxes (can't enter)
// "ViewTower" = Metal guard tower with no roof (can enter)
// "ViewTower2" = Metal guard tower with roof (can enter)
// "Church001" = White church red roof with tower (can enter tower)
// "Church002" = Large tan church (can't enter)
// "Church003" = Tan church with clock tower (can't enter)
// "Chapel001" = Small white chapel (can't enter)
// "FuelStationNew" = Fuel Station (can't enter)
// "FuelStationNew2" = Camoflauged fuel station (can't enter)
// "Barracks" = Single story tan soviet barracks
// "Hangar_Hall" = Airplane hanger (can enter)
// "Fountain" = Water fountain (without any water)
// "Office" = I didn't see any model with this.
// "Hangar" = I didn't see any model with this.
// "Hangar_Office" = I didn't see any model with this.
// "Forest001" = I didn't see any model with this.
// "BarrelHelper" = Some soviet personnel carrier? Can't get in it. Can't destroy it.
// "PaletaHelper" = Same as BarelHelper


// Indicates the unit will be controlled by you as well as starting position
// "PLAYER COMMANDER" - Start in Commander position if this is a vehicle
// "PLAYER DRIVER" - Start in the Driver position if this is a vehicle
// "PLAYER GUNNER" - Start in Gunner position if this is a vehicle
// "PLAY C" - Playable as commander (for multi play)
// "PLAY D" - Playable as driver (for multi play)
// "PLAY G" - Playable as gunner (for multi play)
// "PLAY CD" - Playable as Commander or Driver (for multi play)
// "PLAY CG" - Playable as Commander or Gunner (for multi play)
// "PLAY DG" - Playable as Driver or Gunner (for multi play)
// "PLAY CDG" - Playable vehicle (for multi play)
// Optional field

// Leader of this group. Only one unit in group must have this defined as 1.
// Values are: 0 = not the leader / 1 = leader
// Optional field

// Indicates if the player can drive the vehicle
// "LOCKED" - player cannot enter the driver seat
// "UNLOCKED" - player can enter the driver seat
// Optional field

// Rank of this unit
// Affects order of leadership if leader killed.
// Is also valid for vehicles
// Values are:
// "MAJOR"
// "GENERAL" (is this even in game?)
// Optional field. Is the default corporal?

// Skill level of this unit. Values are (0.0-1.0) 0 being Gomer Pyle and 1.0 being Sergeant York.

// Used to tag the unit for future needs (e.g moving other units into this unit)
// You can reference this specific unit by using this value.
// Optional field

// Indicates percentage of ammo the unit has left (0-1.0) 0 is empty 1.0 is full load.

// Indicates percentage of fuel the unit has left (0-1.0) 0 is empty 1.0 is full tank.

// Indicates percentage of health the unit has left (0-1.0) 0 is dead 1.0 is full health.

// How does this tie to markers at end of this file?
// Optional field

// Initialization Behaviour
// Refer to my How to Command Things tutorial for more info
// Optional field
init="grp = group this; group this allowFleeing 0; this setidentity ""Commander""";

// Define all the waypoints for this group

class Waypoints


//Number of waypoints. You MUST make sure this is the same as the number of waypoints defined below.


// Info about a specific waypoint. You define one of these classes for each waypoint.
class Item0
// Position of this waypoint (X,Z,Y coordinates) in meters
// X starts at 0 on the left side of the screen
// Y starts at 0 on the bottom of the screen
// Z is height (only if flying unit)

// Placement radius
// How many meters to randomly put this waypoint away from position. Adds
// variablity to waypoint locations.

// Text description of the waypoint
// Optional field
description="this is waypoint 1";

// Formation group to take at this waypoint
// Values are :
// "LINE" = Line formation
// "STAG COLUMN" = Staggered column formation
// The following are from the bin\stringtable file :
// "WEDGE" = wedge formation
// "ECH LEFT" = echelon left
// "ECH RIGHT" = echelon right
// "VEE" = vee formation
// "COLUMN" =column formation
// Optional field

// Indicates how group should react at this waypoint
// Values are :
// "SAFE"=Secure. Everything okay. Gun on back.
// "AWARE" = stay alert,go prone when you are prone, won't automatically go to cover
// "COMBAT" = uses lots of Prone and Sprinting to Advance
// "CARELESS" = Don't give a shit. Don't react even if grenade lands near them.
// "STEALTH" = unit will use cover, prone movement to advance.
// Optional field

// Indicates the combat state the unit is in
// Values are :

// "BLUE" = Never Fire
// "GREEN" = Hold Fire
// "WHITE" = Hold Fire, Engage At Will
// "YELLOW" = Open Fire (stay where you are at)
// "RED" = Open Fire, Engage At Will (seek targets but stay near leader)

// Optional field

// Speed group should take at this waypoint
// Values are :
// "FULL" = full speed ahead
// "NORMAL" = normal speed
// "LIMITED" = Slow speed
// Optional field

// The type of this waypoint
// Values are :
// "GETIN" = Order the units assigned to this vehicle to get into the vehicle.
// "GETOUT" = Order assigned units of the vehicle to get out and proceed to next waypoint on foot
// "HOLD" = Stop
// "SAD" = Seek and Destroy? Attack then resume waypoints?
// "DESTROY" = Destroy. Does this mean keep moving as well?
// "CYCLE" = Will cycle back to the first waypoint and start over
// "JOIN" = Follow?
// "TR UNLOAD" = Unload the vehicles cargo and then proceed to nxt waypoint
// "MOVE" = Just keep moving
// "LEADER" = Join and lead
// "LOAD" =
// "UNLOAD" =
// "SENTRY" = ?
// "GUARD" = ?
// "TALK" = ?
// "SCRIPTED" = ?
// "SUPPORT" = ?
// "AND" = ? Used when type = "LOGIC"
// "OR" = ? Used when type = "LOGIC?"
// Optional field. Default is "MOVE"

// Condition at this waypoint. Evaluated when the group arrives at this waypoint.
// If true then execute commands in expActiv field.
// Optional field
expCond="alive aP";

// Commands to execute if expCond field is true
// Optional field
expActiv="0 fadeMusic 0.3; ""1"" objstatus ""DONE""";

// Commands to execute when the group leaves this waypoint
// Optional field
expDesActiv="0 fadeMusic 0.3; ""1"" objstatus ""DONE""";

// Script to execute? When is this used?

// List of synchronization ids. Waypoints and sensors who share a common
// synchronization id will wait for each to trigger before executing.

// Graphic, sound, music effects for this waypoint
class Effects

// Condition that must be true for these effects to occur
// Optional field
condition="alive billclinton";

// Musical track to play
// Optional field

// Type of title to display
// The value of this fields affects the meaning of the title field.
// "TEXT" = Text title
// "OBJECT" = Object title
// "RES" = Resource title.
// Optional field
titleType = "OBJECT";

// Title to display
// If titleType field is "TEXT" then this is the text to display
// If titleType field is "OBJECT" then this identifies the object style. The builtin values are:
// If titleType field is "RES" then this identifies a resource to
// to use (what is a resource?). The builtin values are:
// Optional field

// Effect to use for the title
// Values are:
// "BLACK FADED" = Fade out
// "PLAIN" = No fading
// "PLAIN DOWN" = ?
// "BLACK" = ?
// "BLACK OUT" = ?
// "BLACK IN" = ?
// "WHITE OUT" = ?
// "WHITE IN" = ?
// Optional field. Default is "PLAIN"
titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN";

// Camera effect to use at this waypoint. Camera is targeted at the waypoint center. Values are :
// "$TERMINATE$" = ??
// "Terminate" = This changes the view back to the player
// "Internal" =
// "ZoomIn" = Zoom in towards the waypoint center
// "ZoomInSlow" = Zoom in slowly towards the waypoint center
// "Around" = Rotate around the waypoint center
// "AroundSlow" = Slowly rotate around the waypoint center
// "ZoomAndAround" = Zoom towards the waypoint center then around it
// "AroundAndZoomINSlow" = Rotate around the waypoint center and then zoom in slowly
// "ZoomInS" = ??
// "Fixed"=Camera is at a fixed distance from waypoint center
// "FixedWithZoom" = Camera has zoom lense and is at a fixed distance from the waypoint center
// "External" = ??
// Optional field

// Starting position of the camera relative to the waypoint
// Optional field
// Values are:
// "TOP" = Directly above waypoint looking down
// "LEFT" = To the left of the waypoint
// "RIGHT" = To the right of the waypoint
// "FRONT" = To the front of the waypoint
// "BACK" = To the back of the waypoint
// "LEFT FRONT" = To the left/front of the waypoint
// "RIGHT FRONT" = To the right/front of the waypoint
// "LEFT BACK" = To the left/back of the waypoint
// "RIGHT BACK" = To the right/back of the waypoint
// "LEFT TOP" = To the top/left of the waypoint
// "RIGHT TOP" = To the top/right of the waypoint
// "FRONT TOP" = To the front/top of the waypoint
// "BACK TOP" = To the back/top of the waypoint
// "BOTTOM" = ?

// Sound effect to play at this waypoint. Optional field

// Environmental sound effect to play at this waypoint
// Values built into game
// "Default" = ?
// "Rain" = Sound of rain
// "Sea" = Sounds of the sea
// "Meadows" =
// "Trees"=
// "Hills"=
// "Combat" = Combat sounds
// Optional field

// Ambient sound to play at this waypoint

// Voice sound to play at this waypoint
// Optional field


// Timer values for this waypoint. These determine the time to wait before executing the commands at this waypoint. If all values are the same then the
// time is constant otherwise the time will be between timeoutMin and timeoutMax
// with an equal likelihood of the value greater or less than timeoutMid

// Show the Waypoint on the map. If you control a unit in this group then you will
// see and be able to move the shown waypoints on the map (except for the starting waypoint.
// Values :
// "NEVER" - Don't show this waypoint
// "EASY" - Only show this waypoint only if difficulty is Cadet level
// "ALWAYS" - Show this waypoint

// In bin/stringtable.csv I also saw these which might be
// other attributes:
// HOUSEPOS : Position in the house?


// You can also create vehicles which are not part of any group.
// Format is same as the above Vehicle class definition. This is where you create buildings and
// fences, and other things you wouldn't put into a group You can also add vehicles here you want
// to have available to drive yourself.
class Vehicles


// Marker classes identify markings on map for this mission
class Markers
// How many markers?

// Info about each marker.
class Item0
// Position of this waypoint (X,Z,Y coordinates) in meters
// X starts at 0 on the left side of the screen Y starts at 0 on the bottom of the screen
// Z is height (not used for markers)

// Name of marker
// Identifier for this marker

// Text for marker. This text is seen on the map
// Optional field
text="Starting Position";

// Type of marker
// Values are:
// "RECTANGLE" = Rectange shape
// "ELLIPSE" = Ellipse shape
// Optional field. If you don't use this then the marker is an icon type.

// Type of icon to use.
// Values are:
// Not sure if all of these are in the demo
// "Start" = Arrow moving out of a circle
// "End" = Circle with an arrow going into it from the top
// "Pickup" = Arrow bouncing in and out of a circle
// "Empty" = Circle with a diagonal line through it
// "Marker" = X icon
// "Destroy" = Targetting icon
// "Arrow" = Arrow
// "Flag" = ? I see this used if the markerType field is set.
// "Flag1" = Flag icon
// "Warning" = Exclamation Mark
// "Dot" = Simple little dot. Can use these to denote movement paths
// "Join" = Two Arrows joining in a circle
// "Unknown" = Question Mark

// Marker Fill Brushes
// Use these when markerType field is set to denote area fill type.
// Values are:
// "Solid" = Solid Fill
// "Horizontal" = Horizontal lines
// "Vertical" = Vertical lines
// "Grid" = Grid lines
// "FDiagonal" = Forward Diagonal
// "BDiagonal" = Backward Diagonal
// "DiagGrid" = Grid Diagonal
// "Cross" = Cross fill
// Optional field.
fillName = "BDiagonal";

// Horizontal radius of marker area if markertype is "ELLIPSE"
// Horizontal dimension of marker area if markertype is "RECTANGLE"
// Optional field.

// Vertical radius of marker area if markertype is "ELLIPSE"
// Vertical dimension of marker area if markertype is "RECTANGLE"
// Optional field.

// Angle of clockwise rotation in degrees for the marker icon
// Optional field

// Color of icon
// Values are:
// "ColorGreen"
// "ColorGreenAlpha"
// "ColorRed"
// "ColorRedAlpha"
// "ColorBlack"
// "ColorBlue"
// "ColorYellow"
// "ColorWhite"
// Optional field. Default is "ColorBlack"



// Sensors are used to define ambient sounds and trigger points on the map
class Sensors
// Number of sensors

// Info about each sensor
class Item0

// Unique identifier for this sensor
name="Sensor 1";

// Text to describe this sensor (displayed in Mission Builder map)
text="This sensor does nothing";

// Position of this waypoint (X,Z,Y coordinates) in meters
// X starts at 0 on the left side of the screen
// Y starts at 0 on the bottom of the screen
// Z is height (used for sensors?)

// Horizontal radius of sensor area in meters if area is a circle
// Horizontal dimension of sensor area in meters if the area is a rectangle
// Optional field

// Vertical radius of sensor area in meters if area is a circle
// Vertical dimension of sensor area in meters if the area is a rectangle

// Indicates if the sensor area is rectangular or circular
// A value of 1 indicates rectangular. A value of 0 indicates circular.
// Optional field. Default is circular area.

// Should this sensor repeat or trigger just once?
// Value of 1 indicates repeat.
// Value of 1 indicates once only.
// Optional field. Default is once only

// This field indicates that a sensor with a timer set can be aborted (and thus the expActiv field is not executed)
// if the sensor's expCond field is no longer true during the timeout period. Great way to say only do this action
// if this condition is always true for this amount of time.
// A value of 1 indicates that the sensor can be aborted
// A value of 1 indicates the sensor can not be aborted.
// Optional field. Default is sensor can not be aborted

// These fields allow you to set a timer (in seconds) that needs to expire before the sensor expActiv field is
// actually executed. This allows you to add some delay. If Min,Mid,Max are all the same then the timer is
// always going to be that value. If Min,Mid,Max are different then the timer value will be randomly chosen
// between the min and max value considering the mid value is the mid point.
// If interruptable is set to 1 then these fields instead define the range of the timer period after the
// sensor is triggered to allow the sensor to be aborted (i.e. the expCond field is no longer valid during this
// timer period)
// Optional fields

// Optional field

// Indicates who can activate this sensor.
// Values are:
// "GROUP" = The entire group of the unit specified by vehicleId field. IS THIS STILL IN GAME?
// "ANY" = Anyone can activate this sensor
// "VEHICLE" = Vehicle activation. Vehicle id field ids the vehicle? IS THIS STILL IN GAME?
// "EAST" = Eastern unit activates this sensor.
// "WEST" = Western unit activates this sensor.
// "GUER" = Resistance unit activates this sensor.
// "CIV" = Civilian unit activates this sensor.
// "LEADER" = Leader of the group of the unit identified with the vehicle id field. IS THIS STILL IN GAME?
// "MEMBER" = Any member of the group of the unit identified with the vehicle id field? IS THIS STILL IN GAME?
// "LOGIC" = ??
// "ALPHA" = Alpha radio channel activates this sensor
// "BRAVO" = Bravo radio channel activates this sensor
// "CHARLIE" = Charlie radio channel activates this sensor
// "DELTA" = Delta radio channel activates this sensor
// "ECHO" = Echo radio channel activates this sensor
// "FOXTROT" = Foxtrot radio channel activates this sensor
// "GOLF" = Golf radio channel activates this sensor
// "HOTEL" = Hotel radio channel activates this sensor
// "STATIC" = Static object? IS THIS IN GAME?
// Optional field

// Type of activation?
// Values are:
// "EAST D" = Detected By East
// "WEST D" = Detected By West
// "GUER D" = Detected By Resistance
// "CIV D" = Detected By Civilian
// "NOT PRESENT" = Whoever is supposed to activate it isn't there?
// Also saw in bin/stringtable.csv Detected by Guerrila and Detected by
// Civilian.
// Optional field
activationType="EAST D";

// Type of sensor
// Values are:
// "SWITCH" = A switch sensor
// "END1" = Trigger ending number 1
// "END2" = Trigger ending number 2
// "END3" = Trigger ending number 3
// "END4" = Trigger ending number 4
// "END5" = Trigger ending number 5
// "END6" = Trigger ending number 6
// "EAST G" = Guarded by east
// "WEST G" = Guarded by west
// "GUER G" = Guarded by resistance
// "LOOSE" = Lose ending Will execute the OutroLoose class (see at bottom of this file)
// Optional field

// Age. What is this used for?
// Values are:
// "UNKNOWN"=?
// "5MIN" = 5 minutes (duh)
// "10MIN"
// "15MIN"
// "30MIN"
// "60MIN"
// "120MIN"

// Id of the unit. Use by various values in the activationBy field.
// Optional field

// Specify a name for this sensor. Used to refer to sensor in the mission.

// Condition for this sensor. Evaluated when the sensor is triggered. If this evaluated to be
// true then execute commands in expActiv field.

// Commands to execute if expCond field is true
// Optional field
expActiv="namiste = true";

// Commands to execute when the unit which triggered this sensor is no longer triggering this sensor.
// Optional field

// Graphic, sound, music effects for this sensor
class Effects


// List of synchronization ids. Waypoints and sensors who share a common
// synchronization id will wait for each to trigger before executing.


// Intro class is used to define the introduction sequence for this mission
// The format seems identifical to the mission class format with groups definitions,
// group waypoints, and sensors.
// This is actually used in the mission.sqm in the DTA/anims.pbo file. It defines the
// battle scene shown at beginning of game.

class Intro



// This class appears to define the outro sequence for this mission if the mission
// is a win. Format may be same as intro class. Wasn't used for demo.

class OutroWin



class Intel




// This class appears to define the outro sequence for this mission if the mission
// is a lose. Format may be same as intro class. Wasn't used for demo.

class OutroLoose

class Intel




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