OUR WEAPONS Project presents: Addon of Soviet Era Mi-8 helicopters (1970-1990). Version 1.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: 1. Versions changes history. 2. Contacts. 3. Disclamer. 4. Installation and requirements. 5. List of vehicles, arms. 6. Abilities. 7. Notes for using of arms. 8. Advices to player-pilot. 9. Advices to missionmakers. 10. FAQ and known\incorrigible issues. 11. Credits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Versions changes: No changes after Beta. ATTENTION! This addon is not tested in multiplayer mode. If you have any troubles in MP, please report us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Contacts: Project site: "http://ofp.ussr-online.net/nasheorujie" Forum: "http://ofp.ussr-online.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=23" E-mail: "dps@istel.ru" All questions about scripts send to: "voyager04@mail.ru , ICQ# 201992729" Report about errors to: "jb_fru@mail.ru" "Our Army [USSR]" Team Site: "www.ofp.ussr-online.net" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Disclamer: ATTENTION! All rights on given addon belong to "Our Weapons" project. Usage of any components of file OWP_Mi8.pbo (models, textures, animations, sounds, scripts etc.) and original ideas in your own addons without the permission of "Our Weapons" project is forbidden. Using addon or any component of addon in commercial purposes is prohibited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Installation and requirements: Installation: copy OWP_Mi8.pbo addon in addons\ folder. Do not rename the file! You will find given vehicles in "Our Weapons" subfolder. OWP_Crew v1.5 addon is required. You can download it here: http://ofp.ussr-online.net/nasheorujie/OWP_Crew_1_5.rar (3.45 mb) "Operation Flashpoint: Resistance" of version 1.96 or higher IS REQUIRED for current version of the addon. "Our Weapons" project cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with another free-distributed addons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. List of vehicles: Name in the editor: Config class: -(BIS) Mi-17 (using original Mi17 config, without any scripts) (BIS) Ìè-17 OWP_Mi17bis -(BIS) Mi-8 (using original Mi17 config, without any scripts) (BIS) Ìè-8 OWP_Mi8bis -Mi-8 "Aeroflot" (Civil side) Mi-8 "Aeroflot" OWP_Mi8T_c -Mi-8MT UN (Civil side) Mi-8MT UN OWP_Mi8T_un -Mi-8T in desert camo (weap: PKT in Door hole) (D) Mi-8T OWP_Mi8T_d -Mi-8T in woodland camo (weap: PKT in Door hole) (W) Mi-8T OWP_Mi8T_w -Mi-8MT in green camo (weap: PKT in Door hole) (G) Mi-8MT OWP_Mi8MT_g -Mi-8MT in mid-terrain camo (weap: PKT in Door hole) (M) Mi-8MT OWP_Mi8MT_m -Mi-8TV in green camo (weap: PKT,Ub-16) (G) Mi-8TV OWP_Mi8TV_g -Mi-8TV in desert camo (weap: PKT,Ub-16,Fab-250) (D) Mi-8TV OWP_Mi8TV_d -Mi-8TV in mid-terrain camo (weap: PKT,Ub-16,2xPKT) (M) Mi-8TV OWP_Mi8TV_m -Mi-8TV in woodland camo (weap: PKT,Ub-16,2xPKT,Fab-250) (W) Mi-8TV OWP_Mi8TV_w -Mi-8MTV in green camo (weap: PKT,Ub-32,UPK) (G) Mi-8MTV OWP_Mi8MTV_g -Mi-8MTV in desert camo (weap: PKT,Ub-32,Fab-500) (D) Mi-8MTV OWP_Mi8MTV_d -Mi-8MTV in mid-terrain camo (weap: PKT,Ub-32) (M) Mi-8MTV OWP_Mi8MTV_m -Mi-8MTV in woodland camo (weap: PKT,Ub-32,UPK,Fab-500) (W) Mi-8MTV OWP_Mi8MTV_w List of ammo: PKT bullet OWP_762 2xPKT bullet OWP_762x2 UPK (GSh-23) bullet OWP_23 Non guided C-5M rocket with "Heat-frag" warhead (for Ub-16, Ub-32) OWP_C5M Non guided C-5K rocket with "Sabot" warhead (for Ub-16, Ub-32) OWP_C5Ê Fab-250 bomb OWP_Fab250bomb Fab-500 bomb OWP_Fab500bomb Weapons list:: PKT OWP_PKT Side PKT (2xPKT) OWP_PKTx2 UPK-23-250 (GSh-23) OWP_UPK Ub-16 unguided missiles pod OWP_Ub16 Ub-32 unguided missiles pod OWP_Ub32 Fab-250 bomb launcher OWP_Fab250 Fab-500 bomb launcher OWP_Fab500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Abilities: -Animated windows, doors. -Random board numbers, with save\load protection. -Additional weapons effects (tracers, flashes, casings and etc). -New dammage system, with voice and visual annotations of system failures and testing all systems at engine start. -Additional sound source - tail rotor. -Chassis suspension simulation. -Updated paradrop feature (some fx added in cargo space). -Additional animation of pilot, gunner and second pilot. -"Immideately disembark" feature, that allows to leave vehicle fast for all passengers and crew. -Second pilot can "take control" if first pilot is dead. -"Winch" feature. Unit can fire, when is being lifted. -"Fastrope" feature. Units can fire, when they move down. -All helicopters equiped with "Light Flare" device. There is only 8 Flares. -Reworked CMS system. There is 64 flares restriction. -Reworked armor system. Bigger protection against bullets up to 30mm, less protection against shells and rockets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Notes for using of weapons: All of PKTs: Use against infantry, unarmoured vehicles and air targets. Unguided C-5K rockets (Sabot warhead): Use against mid-armoured vehicles, objects, buildings. Unguided C-5M rockets (Heat-frag warhead): Use against multiple infantry units, unarmoured vehicles. Automatic cannon UPK-23-250 (also known as GSh-23): Rapid fire aviacannon, use against infantry, light armoured and air targets. Fab 250/500 bombs: Bombs of different weights, use agains heavy armoured vehicles, buildings, houses and another strategical objects. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Advices to player-pilot. Menu actions. Use and description of abilities. -If both of the engines are out of action, you have some seconds to land the chopper with autorotation mode. -CMS system is available for the helicopters of TV and MTV series, also for MT UN. -Winch and ropes for fast disembark are available for MT and MTV series. -For using a winch, slow down (it's better to use "Autohover" action), and decrease hight (it's better for height not to be more than 14 meters, but it can be larger, if you, for example, want to pick up units from a roof of a building), Push "Use winch (Down)" button in the menu. If there is any group or units near the winch in the radius of 20 meters, the name of group/unit will be shown in the menu. So, you can choose which group do you want to pick up. -For using "Fastrope" function, stop and set your height at 10-16 meters. -Winch and ropes remove automatically, if the helicopters fly faster than 20km/h. -If you are second pilot and first one is dead you will see next function in the menu: "Take control". You can use it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Advices to missionmakers. From easy to difficult. First, it's better to have one more unit-pilot on the first passanger seat. And this pilot has to be free from any group - neither passanger not pilots. So, functions and abilities of the addon will be maximally full. (next and everywhere in these examples - "me" - name of the helicopter) Chopper animantions: Open left window: me exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_flgopen.sqs" Close left window: me animate["OWP_Mi8_FLG",0] Open right window: me exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_flgopen.sqs" Close right window: me animate["OWP_Mi8_FRG",0] Open cargo interrior: me exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_COpen.sqs" Close cargo interrior: me exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_CClose.sqs" Open side door: me animate["OWP_Mi8_DOOR",1] Close side door: me animate["OWP_Mi8_DOOR",0] Effects: Drop Light Flare: me addmagazine "owp_mi8_trigger_drop_light_flares_active" Random board numbers (Available for all choppers except OWP_Mi8T_un, OWP_Mi8T_c): [me,3,4] exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_setnumbers.sqs" 3,4 - numbers. Activate CMS (Abailable for TV, MTV and MT UN modifications): me addmagazine "owp_mi8_trigger_drop_flares_active" Deactivate CMS: me removemagazine "owp_mi8_trigger_drop_flares_active" Random dammages (dammages of some systems): [me,0.5,["fuel","1engine","2engine","transmission","cms","pkt","weapons"]] exec "\OWP_MI8\scripts\owp_movie_dammage.sqs" 0.5 - level of dammage (from 0 to 1);fuel,1engine,2engine,transmission,cms,pkt,weapons - parts which you need to dammage. If something is not neccesary in that list - remove. Special functions of loading/unloading: Emergency (immideately) disembark (Available for all choppers except OWP_Mi8T_c): me exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_alerteject.sqs" Paradrop (Available for all helicopters except OWP_Mi8T_c): [me,180,1] exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_desant.sqs" 180 - height of paradrop; 1 - interval between every paradroper exits Fast disembark with ropes (Available for all choppers of OWP_Mi8MT and OWP_Mi8MTV series, also for OWP_Mi8T_un): me exec "\OWP_MI8\scripts\owp_FastRope.sqs" Note: make AI stop the helicopter and take height about 10-16 meters before activation. Using winch (Available for all choppers of OWP_Mi8MT and OWP_Mi8MTV series, also for OWP_Mi8T_un): [me,group] exec "\OWP_Mi8\scripts\owp_movie_airope.sqs" group - name of group which is needed to be taken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. FAQ and known\incorrigible issues: Q: Why does a place of bullet hit generate an explosion when I shoot with side PKTs? Explosive cartridges don't exist:) A: Work of side PKTs is based on simulation of Uncontrollable rockets (Zuni class). Physically, there is no explosion, but a visual effect exists. OFP bug. Q: Why did you set strength of 2xPKT at 18 in the config, when an usual PKT is setted at 10? Is it a cheat? A: You know, when you shoot from 2 PKT's you shoot 2 bullets, don't you? So, one shot is simulated in the game as two shots at one time. Q: Why does PKT has so much dispression, when I shoot??? A: You know, try to shoot in real life from shaking chopper:) Q: Why did you set so strong armor for the choppers? MTV is setted at 150?! CHEAT!!!! A: Otherwise the AI destroy the choppers with MGs too fast. You won't even be on time to open return fire:). Try to shoot at the helicopter with Strela or Stinger, and you will see, that the copper will be destroyed by first hit (if the rocket will not be gotten away by CMS). Vulcans and Shilkas destroy Mi-8 quiet fast. We tried to be closer to realism... Q: Oh-oh-oh! About CMS. I noticed that MT and MTV get rockets away differently... A: Yes. That's it, man:). Actually, choppers of MT series have more perfect active\passive defense against missiles with IR seekers, so chance for MTV to evade rockets away is highter. Q: Why are some insriptions made in Russian language on Mi-8MT UN ? A: Is Russia already out of UN?:) Actually, in real life, you can see most of these helicopters with Russian inscriptions. Some inscriptions typed on Enlish, but with resolution we used it's not seen. Q: Why don't unit run to the winch, but "teleport" to it, when I load them into the chopper with the winch, and then unload the group with ropes and at this moment I try to load them back? A: Principle of action of a winch is based such way that a winch starts to lift the soldiers after the order to move to it and while "unitReady" command does not return true (unit is ready). After unloading the group from the chopper with ropes and attempt to load the group into the helicopter, OFP counts that a unit is near the winch and ready. OFP bug. Q: Rockets for UB-16/32 are weaker than FFARs from the original config? A: Yes. Rockets of C-5 class aren't really effective. Wait for C-8. Q: I cannot see drops between me and Mi-8. Furthermore I can't see night positional lights at the same situation. A: OFP bug. Look original choppers and addons... Q: Some addons of helicopters starts to use CMS pretty often, when I shoot at them with side PKTs or UPKs. A: Side PKTs and UPKs are based on uncontrolable rockets (zuni class). Thus addons count them as rockets. Q: When I use "Take control" function I suddenly take place of the first pilot, however the second pilot has all things to operate. Couldn't you do addition animations for that function, so we wouldn't see such sudden replacement. A: We could, but this would make a lot of problems, and, in any case, OFP sets the animation which is typed in the config in a while. Q: Do you think about creation of a modern pack of choppers? Maybe, will be there some other modifications? A: Yes, we work on this pack. It will include Mi-8AMTSh, Mi-8MTV-3, Mi-8MTV-5 and other. Release date of the pack is unknown, maybe after Armed Assault is released. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Credits: Models, textures: DPS Scripts: Voyager Config.cpp: Voyager, DPS Animations: armagedddon Lead tester: Joe Black Testers: SID, DVM, Joseph Stalin, Grifelium. "Our Weapons" project thanks: -NEC, Igor, floyd87, Molotok, CEP}I{AHT for help with reference -Joseph Stalin for help with sound and translation of Readme to English -Some sounds was taken from VIT_APC -OFP community for tolerance and supporting -BIS for this wonderful game:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2005 OW Project. All rights reserved.