ORCS Development Studios 2006 "Operation Flashpoint" Addons' Series _________________________________________________________________________ RF Motorized Infantry and Military Recon v. 3.0 Release _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 1. How to Install _________________________________________________________________________ Place icp_inf.pbo file into your "Operation Flashpoint: Resistance" \Addons folder. You will need a Russian Weapons Pack v. 4.0 and ICPRPG7 to play with this addon. In game editor you can find units there: East/RF Motorized Infantry Attention! This addon contains high-resolution textures. It's extra version of addon, it can highly decrease your system performance in missions. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What's new _________________________________________________________________________ - 42 infantry classes based on 26 new soldiers models - New VSR-93 and VSR-98 textures - New groups added - New gear models & textures _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Infantry classes _________________________________________________________________________ Class name (camo type) (unit description) (unit weapons) icp_infsgt_v - (VSR-98) Sergeant, contract service (AK74 + GP25) icp_infsgt - (VSR-98) Sergeant, regular service (AK74M + GP25) icp_infofficer - (VSR-93) Lieutnant (AKS74 + GP25) icp_infakm - (VSR-93) Rifleman, regular service (AKM) icp_infak74 - (VSR-98) Rifleman, regular service (AK74) icp_infmgun - (VSR-93) Machinegunner, regular service (PK) icp_infrpk - (VSR-98) Machinegunner, regular service (RPK-74) icp_akmgren - (VSR-98) Grenadier, regular service (AKM + GP25) icp_ak74gren - (VSR-98) Grenadier, regular service (AK74 + GP25) icp_infAT - (VSR-98) AT Soldier, regular service (AK74 + RPG26) icp_infRPG18 - (VSR-93) AT Soldier, regular service (AK74 + RPG18) icp_infRPG - (VSR-93) AT Soldier, regular service (AK74 + RPG7V) icp_infAA - (VSR-93) AA Soldier, regular service (AK74 + 9K32) icp_infradio - (VSR-93) Radioman, regular service (AKS74U + R109) icp_infreg - (VSR-98) Private, regular service (AK74) icp_infreg_v - (VSR-98) Private, regular service (AK74M) icp_infminer - (VSR-93) Engineer (AK74 + Pipebomb + AT Mines) icp_infmedic - (VSR-93) Medic, regular service (AKS74) icp_infsvd - (VSR-93) SVD Rifleman, regular service (SVD) icp_infdriver1 - (VSR-93) Driver, Private, regular service icp_infdriver2 - (VSR-98) Driver, Sergeant, contract service icp_infrpg_v - (VSR-98) AT Soldier, contract service (AK74M + RPG7V) icp_infmedic_v - (VSR-98) Medic, contract service (AKS74) icp_infofficer_v - (VSR-98) Captain (AK74M + GP25) icp_infak74gren_v - (VSR-93) Grenadier, corporal, contract service (AK74M+GP25) icp_infak74m_v - (VSR-98) Rifleman, contract service (AK74M) icp_infaa_v - (VSR-98) AA Soldier, contract service (AK74M + 9K32) icp_infAT_V - (VSR-98) AT Soldier, contract service (AK74M + RPG29) icp_infmgun_V - (VSR-98) Machinegunner, contract service (PKM) icp_infrpk_v - (VSR-98) Machinegunner, contract service (RPK74M) icp_infsvd_v - (VSR-98) SVD Rifleman, contract service (SVD-89) icp_infradio_v - (VSR-98) Radioman, contract service (AKs-74) icp_infsniper - (VSR-98 + ghillie) Sniper (SVD Camo + PM) icp_infreconAK74PSO - (VSR-98) Officer, military recon (AK74M + PSO scope + PMM) icp_infreconAK74N - (VSR-98) Rifleman, military recon (AK74M + NSPUM) icp_infreconRPKN - (VSR-93) Machinegunner, military recon sergeant (RPK74 + NSPUM) icp_infreconRPK74M - (VSR-93) Machinegunner, military recon (RPK74M) icp_infreconakmnb - (VSR-98) Rifleman, military recon (AKMB + NSPUM) icp_infrecongrenadier - (VSR-98) Grenadier, military recon (AK74M + GP25 + RPG18) icp_infreconVSK - (VSR-93) Rifleman, military recon sergeant (VSK) icp_infreconVSS - (VSR-98 + ghillie) Sniper, military recon (VSS) icp_infreconSVDS - (VSR-98 + ghillie) Sniper, military recon (SVDS) icp_infreconSVDN - (VSR-98 + ghillie) Sniper, military recon (SVDN) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Copyrights _________________________________________________________________________ Main textures, pack compiling, modelling, cpp: Denorc[ORCS] Additional modelling, texturing: Mr. Yoda Military consulting \ Testing: Schmeisser[ORCS], LIS[ORCS] Hands and heads models: DPS [OW] This addon belongs to ORCS Development Studios and it's freeware. Copyrights reserved for ORCS Development and all authors from the list above. Use this addon on your own risk. Commercial use, retexturing or remodelling this pack or any part of it only from authors's permission _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Contact us: _________________________________________________________________________ e-mail: denorc@newmail.ru Web: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/orcs