Hawk's C-130 V1.4 (Airborne Edition) 1 August 2005 by apex_predator *Requirements* Static Line Sample Mission Requires: -WGL 5.0 (Jun 11 release) available from from http://www.squadengine.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1393 HALO Sample Mission Requires: -AndyLee's HALO units (included in this Zip file) *Installation* Copy the *.pbo files to your AddOns folder, copy the sample missions to your "{%Operation Flashpoint Directory%}\Users\{%Username%}\Missions\" directory. *Usage* You must place the Aircraft far enough out from the target DZ to allow the jump commands to execute. At least 1:05 for static line, at least 1:15 for HALO. Feel free to modify these times in the parasoldiers.sqs and halo.sqs but I wanted to give a realistic jump sequence and that is the time that is required to do so. To run a static line operation either select "Static Line Jump" from the action menu or insert "[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\parasoldiers.sqs}" in a trigger or waypoint. Keep in mind it takes 1:05 from the time parasoldiers.sqs executes before paratroopers step out of the door. Static Line jumpers now exit the paratroop doors. To run a HALO operation either select "HALO Jump" from the action menu or call: "[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\halo.sqs}" from a trigger or waypoint. I STRONGLY suggest using the included HALO units. If you use most other units they will not exit the aircraft equipped with a parachute and will fall helplessly to earth. Besides that Andy's HALO units are the most correct that I have found and can be configured to wear the HALO masks or not (see his readme). This is good for cutscenes, intro's and such. HALO jumpers exit the ramp. *Change log* - 01AUG05 -added "halo.sqs" -added "Halo Jump" to the Action Menu -added realistic HALO commands -added Title Text Jump Light Status indicator -prevent aircraft from equipping HALO jumpers with chutes -Added ramp down notification -Added notification when all team members have exited. -added "Static Line Jump" to the Action Menu (was "Prepare Jump"/"Group Jump") -added U.S. Army Airborne jump command sequence -added Troop Door Open notification -modified paratroop doors to open during static line operations, not ramp. -added Jump Light Status indicator -added opendoors.sqs and closedoors.sqs **all modified original code has not been removed, but is merely commented out, feel free to reset bits that you don't like, or modify (say for a tailgate static line exit)***