There are some lines from cpp file to help in using commands and scripts other example is in added mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Animations { class backgear0 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=6; selection="backgear0"; axis="osbackgear0"; angle0=0 angle1=0.872; }; class backgear1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=6; selection="backgear1"; axis="osbackgear1"; angle0=0 angle1=0.872; }; class leftkl { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="leftkl"; axis="osleftkl"; angle0=0 angle1=-0.523; }; class leftkl1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=1.2; selection="leftkl1"; axis="osleftkl1"; angle0=0 angle1=3.14; }; class rightkl { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="rightkl"; axis="osrightkl"; angle0=0 angle1=0.523; }; class rightkl1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=1.2; selection="rightkl1"; axis="osrightkl1"; angle0=0 angle1=-3.14; }; class frontkl { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="frontkl"; axis="osfrontkl"; angle0=0 angle1=0.195; }; class NoseGear { type="rotation"; animPeriod=6; selection="front_gear"; axis="os front_gear"; angle0=0 angle1=1.6; }; class rampa { type="rotation"; animPeriod=6; selection="rampa"; axis="osrampa"; angle0=0; angle1=0.66; }; class rampa1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=5; selection="rampa1"; axis="osrampa1"; angle0=0; angle1=0.523; }; class door1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=4; selection="door1"; axis="osdoor1"; angle0=0; angle1=-2.4; }; class door2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=3; selection="door2"; axis="osdoor2"; angle0=0; angle1=-3; }; class door3 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=3; selection="door3"; axis="osdoor3"; angle0=0; angle1=3; }; class trotle1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="trotle1"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class trotle2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="trotle2"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class trotle3 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="trotle3"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class trotle4 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="trotle4"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class reverseprops { type="rotation"; animPeriod=1; selection="reverseprops"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.7; }; class gasolinerope0 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope0"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope1"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope2"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope3 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope3"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope4 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope4"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope5 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope5"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope6 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope6"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope7 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope7"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope8 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope8"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope9 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope9"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope10 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope10"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class gasolinerope11 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=15; selection="gasolinerope11"; axis="osgasolinerope"; angle0=0 angle1=0.35; }; class cargoload { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.01; selection="something"; axis="osrampa"; angle0=0 angle1=1; }; class relase { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.01; selection="relase"; axis="osrampa"; angle0=0 angle1=1; }; class fuellight { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.05; selection="fuellight"; axis="osfuellight"; angle0=0 angle1=3.14; }; class ramplight { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.05; selection="ramplight"; axis="osramplight"; angle0=0 angle1=3.14; }; class warninglightl { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.05; selection="warninglightl"; axis="oswarninglightl"; angle0=0 angle1=3.14; }; class warninglightr { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.05; selection="warninglightr"; axis="oswarninglightr"; angle0=0 angle1=3.14; }; class stall { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.05; selection="stall"; axis="osstall"; angle0=0 angle1=3.14; }; class hight { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.05; selection="hight"; axis="oshight"; angle0=0 angle1=3.14; }; }; class UserActions { class reverseprops { displayName="reverse props"; position="ostrotle"; radius=2; condition="(isengineon this) and (speed this < 250) and (this animationPhase ""reverseprops"" == 0)"; statement="this animate[""reverseprops"",1];[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\reverseprops.sqs}"; }; class unreverseprops { displayName="unreverse props"; position="ostrotle"; radius=2; condition="(this animationPhase ""reverseprops"" > 0)"; statement="this animate[""reverseprops"",0]"; }; class Opendoor1 { displayName="Open door 1"; position="osdoor1"; radius=3; condition="(speed this < 15) and (this animationPhase ""door1"" < 0.5)"; statement="this animate[""door1"",1]"; }; class Closedoor1 { displayName="Close door 1"; position="osdoor1"; radius=3; condition="this animationPhase ""door1"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate[""door1"",0]"; }; class Opendoor2 { displayName="Open door 2"; position="osdoor2"; radius=3; condition="this animationPhase ""door2"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate[""door2"",1]"; }; class Closedoor2 { displayName="Close door 2"; position="osdoor2"; radius=3; condition="this animationPhase ""door2"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate[""door2"",0]"; }; class Opendoor3 { displayName="Open door 3"; position="osdoor3"; radius=3; condition="this animationPhase ""door3"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate[""door3"",1]"; }; class Closedoor3 { displayName="Close door 3"; position="osdoor3"; radius=3; condition="this animationPhase ""door3"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate[""door3"",0]"; }; class Opensrampa { displayName="Open cargo ramp"; position="osrampa"; radius=16; condition="this animationPhase ""rampa"" < 0.5"; statement="[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\openramp.sqs}"; }; class Closerampa { displayName="Close cargo ramp"; position="osrampa"; radius=16; condition="this animationPhase ""rampa"" >= 0.5"; statement="[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\closeramp.sqs}"; }; class parasoldiers { displayName="Soldiers Bail out"; position="osrampa"; radius=16; condition="((count crew this)>3) and (speed this > 15) and (isengineon this)"; statement="[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\parasoldiers.sqs}"; }; class paracargo { displayName = "Parachute cargo"; position="osrampa"; radius=16; condition = "this animationPhase ""cargoload"" > 0"; statement = "this animate [""relase"",1]"; }; class loadcargo { displayName = "load cargo"; position="posvehicle"; radius=4; condition = "((vehicle player != player) and (speed vehicle this < 5) and (this animationPhase ""cargoload"" < 1))"; statement = "[this,player] exec {\HWK_c130\script\cargoload.sqs}"; }; class opengasolinerope { displayName = "Deploy fuel hose"; position="ostrotle"; radius=2; condition = "((speed this > 15) and (isengineon this) and (this animationPhase ""gasolinerope0"" < 0.5))"; statement = "[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\opengas.sqs}"; }; class closegasolinerope { displayName = "Retract fuel hose"; position="ostrotle"; radius=2; condition = "((speed this > 15) and (isengineon this) and (this animationPhase ""gasolinerope0"" > 0.5))"; statement = "[this] exec {\HWK_c130\script\closegas.sqs}"; }; class Tankair { displayName = "Refuel in C-130"; position="gasolinerope0"; radius=200; condition = "((player distance this < 200) and (vehicle player != vehicle this) and (vehicle player != player) and (isengineon this) and ((this getpos select 2) > 20))"; statement = "[this,player] exec {refuel.sqs}"; }; };