Russian Federation Special Forces Pack ver. 1.00 by Michael Gavrilov aka Laser ( 15.07.2003 The archive contains: - this text document - LSR_gru.pbo; - LSR_naval.pbo; - LSR_rfwp.pbo; - editorupdate102.pbo - made by Kegetys, essential for the demo missions to work; - two demo missions. Usage: Extract all the files from the archive, folder names speak for themselves. NOTE: this addon requires OFP: Resistance 1.85 or higher (tested on 1.85 and 1.91 versions). This Addon adds: - Russian Federation GRU spetznaz assault and recon units in brown camo. The GRU (Glavnoye Razvedivatel'noye Upravleniye, or Chief Intelligence Agency) spetznaz is an elite detachment of the Army Spetznaz forces. It specializes basically on covert operations, which involve recon duties, seek&destroy missions, small scale raids, etc. - Russian Federation Naval Infantry units. All units represent actual RF Army and Navy units as closely as it was possible within the limits of OFP engine and my knowledge. Units can be found in the editor under "East" - "LSR RF Special Forces" - "Men". All units are grouped and include wound textures. This version of the addon incorporates animated goggles. WARNING: goggles seem to appear warped when sitting in a vehicles (same issue as with BAS Delta/Rangers). I suggest lowering them using scripts when entering a vehicle. To animate the goggles you can use following commands: Raise Goggles: [code] this animate ["goggles", 0] [end code] Lower Goggles: [code] this animate ["goggles", 1] [end code] To counter goggles' warping in vehicles you can use the following code in the vehicle's INIT field: [code] this addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this select 2 animate ["goggles", 1]}] [end code] It automatically lowers the goggles for anyone entering the vehicle. NOTES ON THE WEAPONS PACK The weapons pack (LSR_rfwp.pbo) is basically a compilation of the addons made by different addonmakers, with minor changes made by Laser. AK-103, AK-104, AK-74M, RPK-74M, RPG-7D, PM models originally made by Kegetys, with minor model improvements. SVU and VSS originally made by RUSniper, proper LODs were added and some bugs fixed. Gsh-18 and Gsh-18SD handguns made by Laser. INFO ON THE WEAPONS AK-74M is a standard issued Russian Federation infantry weapon. Compared with the AK-74, the AK-74M has wooden parts replaced by plastic ones, as well as the folding plastic stock. It also has modified muzzle brake system. AK-103 and AK-104 represent further development stage of an original AK-47 assault rifle, the "100-series". AK-103 is chambered for 7.62x39 round, which possesses better stability and stopping power than the standard 5.45x39 round. AK-104 is a shortened version of the AK-103. The RPK-74M is a squad light machine gun used by Russian infantry. It is basically an AK-74, with a heavier barrel and a bipod for increased accuracy and firing range. Its magazine holds 45 5.45x39 rounds. AKS-74UB is a suppressed version of an AKS-74U submachine gun. Muzzle brake system has been replaced by an effective muzzle flash / sound suppressor. SVD-S sniper rifle is actually a modified SVD sniper rifle. It incorporates slightly heavier barrel, modified receiver system and collapsable plastic stock. The rifle uses standard or match 7.62x54R rounds. SVU represents shortened bull-pup version of a venerable SVD. Its characteristics are similar to its predecessor and it uses the same ammunition. The barrel is shortened by 90 mm, thus decreasing an effective firing range from 1200 to 800 meters. VSS "Vintorez" is a new-generation sniper rifle. Equipped with effective muzzle flash / sound suppressor and using subsonic 9x39 ammunition, it can be extremely deadly on the distances up to 400 meters. At this distance round provides effective penetration of the 1st and 2nd class body armor. GP-25 "Koster" is a standard army-issued underslung grenade launcher, designed for use with virtually all AK assault rifles. It can fire 40-mm VOG-25 HE grenades up to 400 meters. The BS-1 is a silenced underslung grenade launcher. The sound suppression is provided by the fact that its 30-mm grenade is launched by a special initiating round, which pushes the grenade out of the barrel. The suppression achieved this way is quite effective. RPG-7D is a recoilless rocket propelled grenade launcher. Equipped with PGO-7V optic sight, it provides effective armor penetration. The RPG-7D uses several types of ammunition, namely PG-7V, PG-7VL rockets, which differ in armor penetration values. Makarov PM is a standard 9-mm handgun for the Russian army. Introduced in 1951, it has not undergone significant changes until 1994, when PMM (the second "M" stands for "modified") was developed. PM prove itself to be very decent police handgun, but military handguns demand higher performance level than that of the PM. GSh-18 handgun is one of the likely candidates to replace the aging PM. It uses standard 9x19 NATO ammunition. The GSh-18 has yet to prove itself in combat, but at least you can try it now in OFP. ;) Some weapons in the pack are equipped by the PK-A "targeting dot" optic sight. Of Belorussian origin, this sight provides the soldier with better targeting possibilities. The PK-A sight can be easily mounted on any version of the AK or RPK. CLASS NAMES FOR LSR_RFWP.PBO LSR_gsh18, LSR_gsh18Mag - GSh-18 handgun LSR_gsh18sd, LSR_gsh18sdMag - Gsh-18 handgun suppressed LSR_AK103, LSR_AK103Mag - AK-103 assault rifle w/PK-A scope LSR_AK103sd, LSR_AK103sdMag - AK-103 suppressed LSR_rpk74, LSR_rpk74Mag - RPK-74M machine gun w/scope LSR_rpk74_1 - RPK-74M machine gun LSR_AK103gp, LSR_gpmag - AK-103/GP-25 combo LSR_vss, LSR_vssMag - VSS "Vintorez" sniper rifle LSR_SVU, LSR_SVUMag - SVU sniper rifle LSR_SVDS, LSR_SVDSMag - SVD-S sniper rifle LSR_aksub, LSR_aksubMag - AKS-74UB suppressed SMG LSR_AKsubgp, LSR_bsmag - AKS-74UB/BS-1 combo LSR_r163 - R-163-10K radio unit LSR_rpg7d, LSR_rpg7dMag - RPG-7D launcher LSR_pk, LSR_pkMag - PK machine gun LSR_AK104, LSR_AK104Mag - AK-104 assault rifle w/scope LSR_AK74m, LSR_AK74mMag - AK-74M assault rifle LSR_AK74mgp - AK-74M/GP-25 combo LSR_pm, LSR_pmMag - Makarov PM handgun LEGAL STUFF (Thanks to...) - Kegetys - RUSniper - UceE aka Jussi Soini (textures) - Mailman (model elements and textures) - Red Storm Entertainment (textures and sounds) - BIS for producing OFP Feel free to comment and constructively criticize my work at Thanks. DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL ADDON BLAH BLAH! Well you probably know all this stuff anyway so there's no reason for me to repeat it all over again... This addon is SHAREWARE. Files included cannot be altered or changed in any way. If you want to use something from this addon, contact yours truly for written permission.